That summer ...
That summer
I’ve just finished my last workshop of the academic year and will be putting my out of office on for a few days as I head for the sea. I’ll be back in August though to host The Writers Workshop Summer of Writing. Do sign up if you’d like some inspiration and support to keep you on track. In the meantime, why not try the exercise we just did. Start with the words, ‘That summer…’ and see what comes. Here’s what I wrote:
That summer the birds started to fly upside down and the frogs built their homes in the treetops. The fish swam upstream and leaped from the water. They grew wings and hovered like dragonflies in the sultry air. That summer, cats stretched out like bendy buses, curling themselves around the edges of walls, sauntering through grass that grew tall as trees.
A walrus grew tired of the bright white frost and snow, packed up and swam to the Scilly Isles where he spread himself out like a beach towel to bake in the July sun.
It was the summer the owl took up scuba diving, the year that the bats hung themselves like bunting from electricity cables in broad daylight. It was the summer that everything changed for good.
Wishing you a happy summer period.