What I know about writing...


What I know about writing…

You have to write what you want to write

You have to learn to silence the voice that tells you that you’re no good and that on-one will want to hear your words. That voice comes from childhood.

That voice is, without question, stronger in women.

If you share your story, you will find your readers

Your writing will touch someone in ways that you can’t know, or imagine, or predict

Having a writing practice is helpful. You have to write regularly if you want to be a writer

But, sometimes, life gets in the way

And, sometimes, you have to give yourself a break -

Writing should not be a stick to beat yourself with

No-one cares whether you write a book or not

So you have to care

You have to care for yourself when you’re writer

You have to care for your whole self

Sometimes you need to be your own cheerleader, sometimes a therapist, sometimes a critic

Writing can take you to dark places and can help you to escape into the light

Wrtiting will break you open, and help you to heal

Writing is easier when you’re part of a community, when you don’t feel on your own

Writing is best shared with others who have been on this road, who can show you the way

To start your day writing is a very good plan

But not if you’re a night owl, not if it doesn’t suit you

There is no right way to write

Ignore the rules if they don’t fit

In the end, your writing is for you.

Katy Carlisle