I'm inspired by...
I’m inspired by …
I used this writing exercise to start off the Write / Edit / Critique: Summer of Writing Support at The Writers Workshop on Monday. Sometimes, the simplest writing exercises are the best. I gave people these opening words and let their minds and pens wander and the most amazing stories and musings came out, as they always do. Here’s what I wrote. I share it unedited in the spirit of encouraging you to do the same. Sometimes it’s good to spend hours polishing our prose and sometimes it’s ok to just let our words take their own shape on the page. Sometimes they’re good enough, just as they are.
I’m inspired by sunshine on an autumn leaf, by the way the frogs throat moves like an accordion, beating to its own rhythm, the way the bird sings its own sweet song. The way they all keep calm and carry on regardless.
I’m inspired by them, the other people who carry on lifting their heavy burdens on their backs, who lift their weary backs from sagging mattresses, who lift their children in their weary arms, who lift others up instead of trampling them like autumn leaves beneath their feet.
I’m inspired by the people who, day to day, strive to make a difference, who turn towards the light, whose smiles and eyes are lights for others to follow, whose gaze shines a torch into the corners revealing what was hidden, what has always been there, what should be revealed.
I’m inspired by the writers who use pens like pokers to stoke fires, who use pens like wands to weave magic spells, who use pens like swords to cut through the crap, who use pens like needles to repair the damage.
I’m inspired by the writers here this morning. I’m inspired by this morning. I’m inspired by this notebook. I’m inspired by this pen. Inspiration is everywhere if you only look.