Write about Grief and Loss - Friday - Memorials, Ashes and Funerals

Memorials, ashes and funerals 

Planning funerals and memorials gives us something to do in our grief and is an important way to honour our loved ones. It can be really comforting to have a special place to visit whether it’s a grave or a bench or a tree, or simply the place that ashes were scattered. It can also be a bit of a minefield as different relatives have different associations with the person who died and each one might think they know best. There can also be a lot of red tape to go through.

How do we pay tribute to our loved ones and remember them? Have you had arguments about where to scatter ashes or had to wade through bureaucracy in order to plant a tree? What memorial do you have? Is there a special place that you go to? 

Here are a couple of my blogs on this theme:


Try this:

  • Write about a special place associated with your loved one or about the memorial that you have created.

  • Write about the ceremonial release of ashes, or the funeral that you held.

Phone in and tell Paulette about it or email paulette@bbc.co.uk with your writing.

Katy Carlisle