Ready, Steady, Write!
My new book of writing prompts is coming……
I’ve been running writing workshops for adults, children and young people for over 20 years and I’ve often been asked where the book of writing prompts is. Well, it’s finally coming!
I’m 50 this week and it feels like the time is right to commit some of my knowledge to paper in order to share it with a wider audience.
I’m beginning with a book for children (aged 8-12) and, for the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing ideas from that book on my blog (here) for young writers to have a go at.
Each writing exercise should stand alone and be self-explanatory (though there will be aspects that follow on well from each other) so young people can access them easily.
I’d love to receive feedback from young writers about what works well or about anything that’s confusing and I’d be especially pleased to read the results of their writing adventures. I’m hoping that some young people might allow me to share their writing in the finished book which I aim to publish this spring. (Any writers included will be acknowledged and will receive a free copy of the book).
The first post will be here on Monday 8th February. I can’t wait to read young people’s writing.
Any writing or feedback can be sent to